Complete refurbishment of this Grade II Listed country Hotel.
Ferguson Brown were appointed to carry out a sensitive design of new building services for Wilton Court. The building started life in the early 1500s and had many uses as a single building, including a restaurant, hotel and Public House.
Design Concept
The design concept was to replace as many of the services as possible using the existing distribution routes for the new services. To limit disruption to the historic fabric, all plant will be relocated out of the historic sections of the building, into the new sections, where the fabric of the building is not historic.
The existing cast iron radiators will be retained and reused within the building, but as these are undersized it was not always possible to use them in the existing location.
The architect has already obtained listed building consent to remove several plastic windows from the building. Therefore, we also propose to remove more plastic from the external walls of the building including grilles, louvers and some SVPs.
Design Considerations
- External/internal lighting
- Heating/LTHW/CWS
- Ventilation/Plumbing
- Small power
- Fire/security