Carbon Neutral
The London Plan 2021 is the Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London. It sets out a framework for how London will develop over the next 20-25 years and the Mayor’s vision for Good Growth.
All development proposals should make the fullest contribution to minimising carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with the following energy hierarchy:
- Demand reduction (Be Lean)
- Heating infrastructure (Be Clean)
- Renewable energy (Be Green)
Be Lean
The London Plan has now introduced minimum performance targets for alll new developments. They need clear Energy Strategies to demonstrate how the energy demand will be reduced through efficiency measures.
The Mayor has set new efficiency targets in the new draft London Plan:
- Domestic developments should achieve at least a 10 per cent improvement on Building Regulations from energy efficiency
- Non-domestic developments should achieve at least a 15 per. cent improvement on Building Regulations from energy efficiency
Be Clean
All planning applications must demonstrate how their energy systems will supply energy efficiently and reduce CO2 emissions.
Be Green
The GLA expects all major development proposals to maximise on-site renewable energy generation.
This is regardless of whether a 35 per cent target has already been reached.
In particular, solar PV should be maximised on roof spaces.
Developing in London
At Ferguson Brown it’s our job to understand the policies and how they affect all aspects of planning, development and building.
By working with our fully qualified consultants, you can be confident that your projects will achieve full compliance.